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Storage Buildings

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61 Herbert Street
The storage buildings were all part of the US Forest Service Quilcene Ranger Station "Lower Compound." The older compound buildings are considered 'Historic Contributing.' The buildings are currently used to store various supplies and equipment for the Fire District.

On the left is the old ‘Roads & Trails Warehouse’ (building 2302) built in 1932 to store equipment for building and maintaining roads and trails in the Quilcene Ranger District. This included a sign shop which was in active service as late as 1982.

In the far back is the old ‘District Equipment Warehouse’ (building 2201) built in 1932.

On the right is the old ‘Fire Warehouse’ (building 2200) built in 1929 to store materials needed to fight fires in the Quilcene Ranger District.

The District purchased the property from the Forest Service in 2011.