Enabling Legislation

Jefferson County Fire Protection District No. 2 (dba Quilcene Fire Rescue) is a fire protection district formed in 1958 under Title 52 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Fire protection districts are formed to provide fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency medical services outside cities and towns. The District is an independent municipal entity and not part of county or town government. While fire districts may provide fire prevention services, districts do not have statutory authority for fire code enforcement (this authority resides with cities, towns, and counties).
Consistent with the provisions of RCW 52.14.010 a three-member board of fire commissioners, each serving an overlapping six-year term, governs the district. By statute, the board oversees management of the district, establishes policy, and provides direction to the fire chief. The chief in turn manages the day-to-day operations and fiscal affairs of the district.
RCW 52.02Jefferson County Resolution C-381State Business License